Now accepting Telehealth appointments. Schedule a virtual visit.




Thank you for choosing us as your periodontal and dental implant health care provider. We are committed to base our treatment recommendations on dental health needs, not on any insurance policy. We ask your assistance in making your initial examination and subsequent treatment in our office as pleasant as possible. Please provide us with your complete dental insurance information. We will submit all completed treatment to your insurance carrier to assist you in obtaining your benefits. Your insurance carrier will be informed to reimburse you directly.

The total cost of treatment is due the day of your appointment, regardless of insurance coverage.

We offer three methods of payment:

  1. Cash or Check
  2. Credit or Debit card
  3. CareCredit - a third party financial institution.


Eugenia Prokopets DDS, MSD
5550 Friendship Blvd., Suite 330
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Phone: 202-851-2346

Office Hours

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